Payment Method
Payment Process
- Once you place an order, you will receive 1 email. Specify the order details.
- For payment You can make a payment by transferring money through various channels. The details shown here.
- When transfer money Please inform us of the transfer on the “Confirm Payment” on menu or by phone 065-2407895 E-mail:
note :
If no payment within 3 days, We will canceled the order to take that products back to sell to other customer.
Kasikorn bank
A/C No : 050-8-067305
Name : Elderly Disabled Product Co.,Ltd
Branch : Satuk
Note :
- payment of services Payment must be made to a bank account in the name of “EDP Elderly Disable Products Company” only.
- EDP Elderly Disposable Products company does not accept bank transfers other than those specified.
- The payment for the service does not include bank fees for transferring funds. If there are any fees happened through the company We reserve the right to be the customer responsible for any fees.
- Please contact the staff To confirm the transfer amount before transferring money every time and transfer money on business days Monday – Friday from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
- Please check the account number before transferring money every time. If in doubt, please contact Tel. 065-2407895 Email :